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What is Boccia?

Boccia is a competitive game where competitors are individuals with brain paralysis and other physical disabilities. The athletes are divided into pairs of two or groups of three (either of the same or different sex). Boccia is considered a challenging game to play due to its demanding requirements such as self-concentration, muscle control and collaboration.

History of Boccia

Boccia is an Italian word that means “bowl”, and bowls are commonly referred to as Bocce in the country.

Boccia is considered to be one of the first games played by people, originating in Ancient Greece and Egypt. Large stones are believed to have been hurled during these periods.

As a sport, it was initially created for people with Cerebral Palsy, but now it is enjoyed by people with many different disabilities.

Boccia was first included in the Paralympics in 1984. A total of 19 athletes from 5 countries participated in these games. It is now played in over 50 countries, making it the third most popular disability sport in the world. All 50 countries are part of and regulated by the Boccia International Sports Federation.


There are 4 sport classes in Boccia. All the players compete in wheelchairs due to the loss of leg function caused by a lack of muscle coordination and control.

Sport Class BC1:

  • Severe restrictive activity affecting their legs and arms

  • Ability to grasp and throw the ball without using assistive devices

  • Ability to propel the ball with their foot

Sport Class BC2:

  • Better core control and arm function than those in Class 1 and 3

  • Ability to throw the ball overhand and underhand

Sport Class BC3:

  • Limited function in their arms and legs

  • Assistive devices are used to propel the ball

Sport Class BC4:

  • Non-cerebral palsy class

  • Loss of muscle strength or coordination, but able to grasp and throw the ball


The main aim of Boccia is to practice and refine one’s accuracy of rolling or throwing a ball towards a target. The main skills targeted are throwing, rolling and shot placement. 

The aim of the game is to get your team’s ball(s) closest to the Jack (white ball) before your opponent. 

  • The jack ball is white and is thrown first

  • One side has six red balls and the other has six blue balls

  • The balls are leather and contain plastic granules, so they don’t bounce but will still roll

  • The team whose ball is not closest to the jack will have to throw until they get a ball closer or until they run out of balls

  • Once all the balls have been thrown, one side receives points for every ball they have closer to the jack than their opponents closest ball